Established in London in 2022, Re-Luxry is becoming a leader in providing the finest pre-loved luxury bags and accessories the market has to offer.

Our goal is to give you access to a global collection of the most desirable and authentic pre-owned designer items. Featuring iconic brands such Hermès, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Dior, and Celine.

What sets Re-Luxury apart from our competitors is our commitment to making luxury bags more accessible to our clients.




By choosing to purchase second-hand items, you are actively contributing to the extension of the lifecycle of pre-owned goods. With just an additional 9 months of use, it's possible to significantly decrease the carbon, water, and waste footprints associated with these items by approximately 30%. This reduction in environmental impact demonstrates the value of supporting the second-hand market and the positive effects it can have on sustainability.

It's very important for us to play a part in promoting circular fashion and striving for a more sustainable world by extending the life of designer items so they can be reused to their full potential.

Buy less, choose well, make it last.”

We are dedicated to providing our clients with exceptional service and

high-quality products.


The core of our mission is to bring you authentic luxury pieces.

Every item we sell undergoes a vigorous and unique designer item authentication process. The last layer of authentication is done using Artificial Intelligence (AI).

We've partnered with Entrupy to provide you with a certificate of authenticity, offering you peace of mind with every purchase.